In 1970, the composer Pierre Boulez took on the tasks of creating and directing an institute for musical research and creation in partnership with the Centre Pompidou. Today, the Ircam, Institute for Research and Coordination of Acoustics and Music, is one of the largest public research centres dedicated to musical creation and scientific research in the world. It is home to the joint research unit of Sciences and Technologies of Music and Sound. The Fonds K has supported the research of Victor Rosi, a doctoral student in the Perception and Sound Design team. His thesis, which focuses on the semantic and acoustic characterization of sound, was defended in April 2022.


The Fonds K is financing a 3-year thesis for the Ircam (French Institute of Acoustic/Musical Research and Coordination) to develop a sonic lexicon highlighting semantic and acoustical relationships thereby establishing a correlation between oenological and sound properties.

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